What Does an Exercise Physiologist Do?

Exercise physiologists are university-qualified allied health professionals specialising in prescription exercise interventions. They use a holistic approach to assess, manage and prevent chronic health conditions and injuries.

exercise physiologist Adelaide

Our Accredited Exercise Physiologists are experts in exercise-based medicine. They will prescribe a tailored program to suit your specific needs.

Exercise Prescription

Exercise physiologists are experts in using physical activity as a medication for various chronic health conditions, injuries and disabilities. They have the skills to assess, prescribe and supervise a safe exercise program to help you get back into a healthy lifestyle and regain your fitness. An exercise physiologist will conduct a comprehensive assessment to determine your fitness level during your appointment. It will involve simple blood pressure and heart rate measurements, a body composition test, a strength, flexibility and cardiovascular endurance test and a discussion of your goals and exercise history.

This information will create an individualised exercise program to meet your needs and help you reach your goals. It may include exercises to help with arthritis or to improve bone density in the case of osteoporosis. It could also include programs to help you lose weight or improve your balance and stability. At Seed, our EP’s have extensive experience developing exercise programs to assist with musculoskeletal conditions such as knee and hip replacements.

They can work closely with GPs and other allied health professionals to develop and implement return-to-work or injury management programs. They can also offer neuromuscular exercise therapy for multiple sclerosis or cerebral palsy. In addition, they can provide a specialist exercise prescription for arthritic conditions such as osteoporosis and osteoarthritis.

The process that leads to a tailored prescription starts with the subject’s assessment, continues through the definition of clinical goals and possible limitations, and ends with the subject performing the exercises they have been prescribed. During this period, the exercise physiologist and the issue must communicate regularly. It will allow the prescription to be adjusted quickly and effectively to ensure the client continually moves toward their goals.

Our Accredited Exercise Physiologists (AEP) are available for 1:1 sessions, home-based exercise programs & associated monitoring, classes and pre-class assessments. You can book online or over the phone. Our Prospect Exercise Physiology Clinic is located at UniSA’s City East, City West, Magill and South Bank campuses. The service is provided by final-year undergraduate students under the supervision of an accredited Exercise Physiologist Adelaide.

Gym Rehab

Gym rehab is vital to treating any chronic condition, as it allows for a supervised and controlled environment to perform a complete rehabilitation program. It is especially important for musculoskeletal injuries such as neck pain, back pain, groin or knee pain. In addition, gym-based exercise programs are a vital tool for preventing the recurrence of injuries and also managing chronic conditions such as diabetes, osteoporosis or heart disease.

An Accredited Exercise Physiologist can provide individualised and holistic healthcare to address the cause of an injury or illness rather than just treating the symptoms. The goal is to prevent recurrence and reduce the impact of a health condition by developing strategies for improving physical strength, mobility and flexibility and helping with lifestyle modifications such as diet and smoking cessation.

During the initial consultation, your Accredited Exercise Physiologist will ask you questions about your lifestyle and exercise history to understand the cause of your injury or condition. They will then conduct physical assessments to determine your fitness level and create a plan to achieve your goals.

Your therapist may use manual therapy techniques, including massage or dry needling, to alleviate the pain you are experiencing. Depending on your injuries or condition, they will develop a safe and appropriate exercise program, including home exercises. They will also discuss dietary and lifestyle recommendations and support you in achieving behavioural change.

As well as treating musculoskeletal injuries and chronic conditions, an Exercise Physiologist can help you manage long-term health issues such as diabetes, heart disease or obesity. They can also help with post-hospital rehabilitation following surgery, such as hip or knee replacements.

Home Exercise Programs

Whether recovering from an injury, managing a chronic health condition or wanting to lose weight, your home exercise program is a critical component of your treatment plan. Your Accredited Exercise Physiologist (AEP) takes a comprehensive approach to designing your home program to ensure it’s an effective fit for your body, lifestyle and goals.